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Sponsors, Sponsors, Sponsors: Where Do They Come From?

Where do sponsors come from, anyways? The Corporate Sponsorship Committee works hands-on to answer this question. This committee looks for new sponsors while maintaining previous sponsor relationships through interacting with businesses in the Cedar Valley area. This team works together by contacting businesses to ask for monetary and/or gift-in-kind donations for different events throughout the year. Those events include the Orange Party, Black Tie Affair, FTK Week along with the Big Event. This committee works behind the scenes to make so many things possible for Dance Marathon.

Taylor Banowetz is a freshman at UNI this year. “This is my first year being involved with UNI Dance Marathon,” Banowetz said. “As a freshman in high school I was involved in the Dance Marathon event that my school organized.”

“Corporate Sponsorship is the first committee I have been a part of in Dance Marathon,” Banowetz said. “I decided to get involved in the Corporate Sponsorship Committee, because I knew I wanted to be involved in Dance Marathon in college. I also saw this committee as a learning experience for me because I am considering a communications or public relations field to go into and thought this would be a great way to interact with the businesses in the Cedar Falls area.”

What makes the best memories the unforgettable ones? The ones that leave an impact. Dance Marathon excels in making these memories. “My favorite memory so far was planning a giveback night and having one of the businesses want to do another giveback night in the future,” Banowetz said. “The business wants to sponsor one of our rooms at the Big Event, as well.”

UNI Dance Marathon hosts many events that make an impact on not only our miracle kiddos, but on the students involved in this organization, as well. “My favorite event I have attended so far as a freshman was the Orange Party,” Banowetz said.

Stepping into leadership roles in college is beneficial in so many ways. Committee members in UNI Dance Marathon have the opportunity to grow and learn as the year flies by leading up to the Big Event.

“I have learned a lot that I can take with me for my future after being involved on the Corporate Sponsorships Committee,” Banowetz said. “It is such a great opportunity to be involved in the community and see that you are directly making an impact, no matter how big or small it may be. The little things matter!”

Advice is always good. In a student-run organization there are many things that are unknown, especially to underclassmen that are new to the organization. In an organization like UNI Dance Marathon, Banowetz has realized how much she has grown and is able to contribute to this advice. “Do not be afraid to join a committee or be a morale captain,” Banowetz said. “It is a great way to get involved and be a part of something so much bigger than yourself. Remember it is all For The Kids!”



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