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Dance Marathon Survival Guide

If you've never been to a Dance Marathon before, you are probably thinking: What should I bring? Let’s break it down for you:

Things to Bring

-A comfortable pair of shoes: You will be standing and dancing for 12 hours so you want to protect those feet!

-Athletic clothes: Wear your Dance Marathon shirt that you get from Early Packet Pickup and a comfy pair of pants. We recommend shorts or leggings!

-Orange Accessories: Bring any orange you can find such as bandanas, bracelets, hair ties, etc.

-A fanny pack to hold all your things: You can purchase one at early packet pickup for $15!

-Extra snacks: We will have plenty of food for you all day, but if you want to bring extra snacks, feel free! Make sure you don’t bring anything with peanuts in them.

-Deodorant!:12 hours of dancing and standing for the kids can get sweaty. Don’t be that guy.

-Chapstick: This is always an essential

-Cash, Card, or Venmo: There will be DM merchandise you can purchase and fundraising opportunities during the Big Event

-Your cell phone: You’ll want to take pictures to remember this day and it’ll come in handy when contacting potential donors.

-A smile and a good attitude!:Remember why you’re there - FTK! You’ll want to enjoy the day, so be sure to get a good night’s sleep on Friday.

Things to Leave at Home

-Jeans: Honestly, just avoid denim at all costs!

-Uncomfortable shoes like flip flops

-Peanuts: some kids and dancers are allergic

-You won’t need to bring a water bottle, we’ll provide one for you at the door, but don’t forget to stay hydrated

Tips from Past Dancers

- "Try to get to know at least a few kiddos and spend time with them!" -Madi

- "Listen to the family stories. This is a great way to learn more about why we are dancing." -Riley

- "Take it all in. Stand back and look at the sea of orange. It will go by so quick." -Jessica

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