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January Newsletter

The countdown is on! With the start of the new year comes the beginning of the final two months until the big event! Here is everything you need to know to be Dance Marathon ready for the months to come!


On January 2nd, Reed Havlik had the honor of being the Kid Captain for the Iowa Hawkeyes at the Outback Bowl in Florida! Let’s keep cheering on Reed, just as he cheers on the Hawks!

Also this month, Addie Brenden had scan results come back clear once again! Addie had been battling Neuroblastoma, but has remained clear since 2015! What a great way to start off the New Year, celebrating milestones with our miracle kiddos!


Grab some friends and plan a weekly trip to Buffalo Wild Wings! For the entire month of January, if you mention UNI Dance Marathon, BWW will donate a portion of your bill. Start a new tradition, enjoy some yummy wings, and support our miracle kiddos! This is a perfect way to live everyday, FTK!


Dancer Appreciation Week is coming up quickly! The week of January 22-28th, there will be several events celebrating our dancers! Come support DM at the Women’s Basketball Game, put on your dancing shoes and finery and head to the Black Tie Affair, visit Young Arena for a Waterloo Black Hawks Hockey game, and attend an event with our miracle families! Stay tuned for more events, dates, and times.


Feeling like your old prom dresses are taking up too much space? Want a cool idea to help you reach your fundraising goal? Sign up to sell your prom dress(es) FTK! The event will be on January 28th from 10-2. You do not need to be present to sell your dress, simply click on the link below and list your name and the price you wish to sell your dress for. If you want to sell more than one dress, list your name more than once!


The Dance Marathon Apparel Store is still open! It’s a new year, why not start it off right with some cool DM swag! Visit this link, or the Dance Marathon website to start shopping!


Over the holidays, the Comma Club grew in number! 23 dancers have now raised $1,000 or more! Congratulations!


55 days until the Big Event!!


In 2001, Apple unveiled iTunes! Make a playlist to thank your donors or to motivate yourself to keep fundraising, FTK!

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