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15 Fun Ways to Fundraise

1. Create a challenge for yourself on Facebook, Instagram, Twitter, or Snapchat!

For example, for every donation that I get that is above $10 I will post an embarrassing picture of myself on social media. Or I will do a dance dare in public or I will hug a stranger or I will sing a song or do a flash mob by myself - the possibilities are endless so get creative!

2. With the holidays coming up, you could wrap presents for people!

You could do this out of the comfort of your own home and advertise it on Facebook or you could go out to the public! If you go out to the public like a business for example, check with the owner if its okay for you to do it!

3. You could go Christmas caroling in your neighborhood!

Grab a group of friends or even your family and go caroling! Wear a Dance Marathon shirt and at the end of your song explain what Dance Marathon does and ask if they would like to make a donation! As a reminder, always be kind and courteous no matter what they say!

4. Have a bake sale!

Everyone loves a homemade treat! You could try to do one after church on a Sunday morning or during a community event.

5. Use your talents to the best of your abilities!

Are you good at painting? Writing in calligraphy? Making DIY crafts? There are a number of other tasks that one could do, but you could try to use your talents to get donations! For example, you could post on Facebook that you are willing to sell canvases with personal quotes in calligraphy, or you could post pictures of DIY crafts you have done in the past and say that you are willing to remake them for a donation.

6. Make “Pick a Number”

Like the picture above, make a board with numbers 1-(however many you want to do), for example 1-30 raises $465, it's super simple! Every time someone donates, you cross off that amount donated and then you can post a picture to show what amounts are left!

7. Chores for Charity

You could go out into your community and see if anyone would like their snow shoveled, Christmas lights put up, running errands like grocery shopping or other various chores for a donation!

8. Clean out your closet

Many people use Facebook to get rid of old clothes, furniture, or miscellaneous things that they don’t use anymore. Clean out your closet or room and get rid of objects in exchange for donations!

9. Talk to businesses/schools about doing a casual day

You could go into your old high school or old job and talk to someone in charge about doing $1 casual day.

10. Write Christmas cards!

You could include these with your family Christmas card. Write to people about how college and life is now that you are on your own - talk about Dance Marathon! Ask them to donate and include an envelope already addressed to you to make it easy to donate!

11. Change Jar

With the new year coming up, you could make a resolution that all your change will go into one jar and on March 3rd you will donate all that money to your personal donor drive or a friend’s!

12. 50/50 Raffle!

You could do this with friends, your workplace, family, or any number of people! All you need is raffle tickets and a jar. $1=1 ticket, $5 = 5 tickets, and so on; whose ever name is drawn gets half the raffle and the other half goes to your donor drive.

13. Taxi!

With the holidays coming up, people love getting together with friends but aren’t always in the right mind to drive home. Offer to drive people home for donations!

14. Can Collection

You can ask your neighbors if they wouldn’t mind donating their cans to a good cause - it might not seem like a lot, but they add up quickly! Even at school, if you drink pop or other canned beverages keep your cans and dispose of them for change in return! For easy access in Cedar Falls there is one on University by Hillcrest Apartments!

15. Talk to People!

Lastly, talk to your friends from high school, family friends, family, and coworkers! Tell them about your college experience, why you are doing Dance Marathon, and how they can help!

For any fundraising questions, reach out to Madison, Fundraising Director at or Dani, Fundraising Assistant Director at



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