Below are some of the most frequently asked questions regarding fundraising for UNI Dance Marathon.
If you have further questions, please email director@unidancemarathon.com.
What is Donor Drive?
Donor Drive is an online software system used by Children’s Miracle Network that allows Dance Marathon participates to raise money for Dance Marathon. It can be accessed via the UNI Dance Marathon website, www.unidancemarathon.com.
Are donations to UNI Dance Marathon tax deductible? And how do I get a receipt for tax purposes?
Yes, you will receive a tax-deductible receipt from Children’s Miracle Network. When you donate online a receipt is automatically sent to your email. If you donate by check and need a receipt, email finance@unidancemarathon.com with the following information:
Your name, address, and phone number
Date of donation
Who’s Donor Drive account you made your donation to (which dancer you are supporting)
The dollar amount of the donation
How do I go about reporting a matching donation?
If you have a matching donation email the Director of Finance at finance@unidancemarathon.com and they will send you the correct paperwork.
Who do I make donation checks payable to?
“UNI Dance Marathon”
How do you turn in checks?
Dancers can turn in checks at any Veridian Credit Union location. Make sure to tell them you are turning in a donation to UNI Dance Marathon and you would like your name on the donation. Make sure to give them your first and last name.
How long does it for a cash/check donation to show up in my Donor Drive account?
After you deposit money into the UNI Dance Marathon account at Veridian Credit Union allow 48 hours for a donation to show up in your Donor Drive account. If you do not see the donation after 48 hours email finance@unidancemarathon.com.
Why does it say my donor on Donor Drive is “Cash Donor”?
If you received a cash or check donation your Donor Drive account will say a “Cash Donor” donated to you. Donations made online will show the donors name unless they select to remain anonymous.