Participating as a Dancer of UNI Dance Marathon is an exciting, rewarding experience unlike any other. UNI DM wouldn't be as successful as it has been without the dedication and support of our dancers. Dancers get the chance to fundraise for the kids and attend fun events throughout the year, like the monthly Miracle Meetups, Orange Party, Miracle Gala, and various givebacks, all leading up to the Big Event. Each year, hundreds of dancers stand on their feet for the entire 12 hours of the Big Event, dancing for the kiddos who fight their illnesses and injuries every day.
Register for the Big Event as a Dancer to enjoy live entertainment, great food, and hear first-hand stories from our very own Miracle Families. Dancer registration is now live! Make sure to select "Join a Team" and choose from one of our Morale Captain teams when registering!
Have questions? Contact the Director of Dancer Involvement at dancerinvolvement@unidancemarathon.com.