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Every year, UNI Dance Marathon partners with Greek Life, UNI Athletics, and many other organizations on campus. We partner with twelve greek organizations and have previously had events at football, men's and women's basketball, and volleyball games, as well as swim meets. We also partner with athletics at the Big Event, where athletes from various teams face off in a dancing competition and get the chance to spend time with our families. Other UNI student organizations we have partnered with in the past include PSE, SLC, Panther eSports, Glee Club, CAB, and CATS.
Faculty and staff play a big role in the lives of UNI DM students and we want to ensure that they feel appreciated for what they do for us. The entire organization celebrates Staff Appreciation Day in the fall, where we deliver cookies to all of the colleges and offices on campus, and staff and faculty are always invited to come to the Big Event. Campus Relations also works with UNI Dance Marathon Alumni to keep them in the loop of what is happening in UNI DM and encourage them to register for the Big Event.
Interested in getting your organization, chapter, or group involved in UNI Dance Marathon? Contact our Director of Campus Relations at
Alpha Delta Pi (ΑΔΠ)
Alpha Phi (ΑΦ)
Alpha Sigma Tau (ΑΣΤ)
Alpha Xi Delta (ΑΞΔ)
Gamma Phi Beta (ΓΦΒ)
Kappa Sigma (ΚΣ)
Lambda Theta Alpha (ΛΘΑ)
Lambda Theta Phi (ΛΘΦ)
Omega Psi Phi (ΩΨΦ)
Pi Kappa Alpha (ΠΚΑ)
Sigma Alpha Epsilon (ΣΑΕ)
Sigma Phi Epsilon (ΣΦΕ)
University of Northern Iowa Athletics
PSE (Pi Sigma Epsilon)
SLC (Service and Leadership Council)
Panther eSports
Men's Glee Club
CAB (Campus Activities Board)
CATS (Connecting Alumni to Students)
Awards are given to the Greek Chapters that raise the most money and attend the most events throughout the year. Chapters also participate in their own Mini Push Day, where they compete against each other to see who can raise the most amount of money for the children's hospital in one day.
Alpha Delta Pi (ΑΔΠ)
Pi Kappa Alpha (ΠΚΑ)
Alpha Phi (ΑΦ)
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